Thursday, July 2, 2009

Music- The Beginning

Oh my piano so black&beautiful, the light glimmers off it appealingly, the just wiped keyboard gleam with it's white teeth. It was my piano teacher's piano and now his name is Carl. After been moved into my house, the first piece I played was the deathly-at least to me- Solfiggio by Carl.P.E Bach(hence the name). My Beauty, my being...I have to think hard to remember how exactly I got into this world, I could now, never imagine being without. It is the world of Classical Music, the world of piano playing, the world I have now set up as home that has,since then, become the stability, the foundation of my personality and, sanity really.

Sure I have always been fond of music, who hasn't? The first major musical impression was nonetheless at my sister's Nintendo64. The music of the Legand of Zelda:Ocarina of Time was forever engraved into my brain, to be remebered at the instance when I would hear it no sooner then 9 years later. My sister finished the game leaving me in total awe. Such a brilliant game it is anyway, but add the music and you've got close to perfection. I didn't think of the music as a solo part of the game then though, but something stirred in me, a merciless, binding, extraordinary feeling of discovery. Laugh not,my friends,at such a vunerable feeling emitted from a video game, That, to me was-and still is- music.

When I was ten I think? Or maybe a bit older I started to learn the guitar. It was that time in my life I was introduced to my brother Amal's taste in music. In our old home, my room was next to my brothers as well was the computer out in the landing, and many a day passed that had Amal playing his music from the computer that consisted of Aerosmith, Guns&Roses, the Eagles, Oasis, Muse, the Darkness, The Rolling Stones and so much more that opened my eyes to the emotive energetic genre that is rock.
At that stage my friends were into Avril Lavinge, Sugababes, Spice girls and god knows what else. I enjoyed that music, but Rock music meant more to me. Amal had been self teaching the guitar and was extremely good at it. How I wish he'd pursue it!
Anyway, I decided I also wanted to learn the guitar, I wanted to learn how to play those beloved and skilled riffs of rock&roll so, along with playing chords at church(I had learned from my brother), Mum got both me and my brother Rohan a guitar teacher.(Amal for some reason wouldn't submit to getting taught, probably some pride thing. Though even now, Amals the only one who hasn't been taught out of my mother, Rohan and I and yet still remains the best by far.)
He was a jolly, but crazy man. Looking back, I respected the way he was so skilled at his practice,well not practice, as that would be teaching and that he lacked, but guitaring he really was confident. He arrived, sat down on a chair in our TV room, toke out his guitar and started playing&singing to himself. Mum would ask 'Shall I send the children in now?' unsure of what to do. He'd reply ' If you want' and continue on.
He didnt teach much, just played along and told me to copy him. He talked to me of the Mafia, concentrated apple juice, vegans(at the time I thought it was a religion, I didn't quite know what to say) and godknows what else I can't even remember. Such fun me and mum would have after the lesson as I recited the discussions we 'shared' (Him talking, me giving the odd answer). Mother would be crying laughing to the things I had to say. 'Mum we were talking about religion today' 'What?' 'Yeh, he told me he was vegan' Mum would struggle to speak through tears to tell me that it was his optioned way of diet, and no, being a vegan is not a religious cult.'Oh' I said.'I didn't know what to say after he told me, I just nodded sollemly like I understood and say to him 'oh,right'.
I think I had about 6 or 7 lessons with him, having learned nothing, but never forgetting the powerful strenghth of aftershave he'd always wear and leave behind in the TV room, and the many times mother and me would talk about him recalling him and all his strangness. Yet, the smiles he brought to the family was worth it.

The length of time I had the second guitar teacher was shorter. He was a cool, talented young musician who had been forced to learn the piano; and so hated it and toke to learning the guitar instead. He was awkward at first, not knowing quite how to start. But how I admired him for being ambitious enough to start himself off by teaching. He was thoroughly impressive. He asked me why I'd like to play the guitar, and from his bemused response I have never forgotten the reply I gave, 'I'd just love to run out on stage with my electric guitar and play a riff', He laughed surprised at my blantant honest answer. He taught me a few songs like Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol&America by Razorlight(They were TOTC back then). I enjoyed it and he opened my eyes to how free, independent&utterly cool the music world was.

During my time with him I played for my school music teacher in practice for my Junior Cert practical 'Wildwood Flower' on my guitar. It was utterly Crap consisting of two chords.I'll refer back to this later. Anyway so for my Junior Cert-which I was so utterly (why do i keep saying utterly?) serious about(aww the ignorance of third year..)- I toke some lessons with Newpark Music Centre(Music Theory for Junior Cert) but I wasn't up to the standard and was looked down upon by the teacher because of my inability to read&write. In spite of that, the course did help me for the J.C but only for that. I did the course in second year and didn't continue for third.
I was struggling, I couldn't read music, and how souldistroying it was to have to go up to the teacher to help me to read the music of Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons; Spring 1st Movement' because I just couldn't follow it. My teacher suggested I take up the piano, just to get a few lessons in to help me understand the technicalities.
So I agreed and my dad found me the greatest teacher of all time.(I may be a little bit biased, but only a little bit.) I was nervous going into what she called the 'interview' just to discuss what I wanted to get out of the lessons, what level I was at and so on. I was nervous, because, well what a world I would be introduced to! The piano? I respected so much, so much that I almost feared it. Musicianary seemed to me something I would always have to look on from the sidelines and stare in awe at the glamour, the elegance, of something I could never hope to be.
In short, I did not have big expectations. But to be frank, I never really do.
The interview went well and we scheduled the lessons.
It has been so far, the greatest decision of my life.

I was instantly drawn to the piano, the potential, the sounds, what I could do? What I could even attempt at playing;the piano. It was incredible. I worked hard and at my first recital I played Greensleeves. My parents&others had endless praise for me, but I had no time for that. I was so encouraged, I practised and didn't even have to try to be enthusiastic for every lesson. My teacher was and is such a fantastic teacher always there to show me where I could go, how I culd get to such wondoruos places that are the advanced levels of music. Though I never felt I had to keep pushing, no, I was always content at my level playing my pieces to the perfected ability I could ever strive to do and then,satisfied, continue working hard to challenge myself.
At this time, I chose to give up the guitar and my second guitar teacher passing him on to a friend of mine. My excuse was I had to work hard on piano, but realisticaly I realised I could never get out of guitar what I got out of the piano. Maybe later on, I shall take it up again.
My rapid process on the piano was seen by my school teacher also, she said 'I always knew from when she played that piece[wildwood flower] that she had musical talent' YEH RIGHT.
Nevertheless I found I could follow Vivaldi without a problem.

I willingly and lovingly played in the recitals that my piano teacher gave, such fun and such excitement. Performing was another challenge I wished to conquer and make it my own. Third year music class was competitive and irritating, it still is.Ugh Why did I chose it for 5th year? Choosing music for the Leaving was inevitable, but the class, it annoys me, with its seek for glory and favouritism of the teacher and competitivness of eachother who are all at different levels...Anyway so I did my Junior Cert Practical Exam by playing La Dispute from Amelie and Chant sans Paroles by Sibelius and singing Don't Cry for me Argentina and Caro Mio Ben.Ah yes, singing, that came along then aswell, when I told my piano teacher that I wanted to sing for the J.C also, being a singing teacher, she told me to sing for her, I did and she I think, well liked it:P because she agreed and from then started to teach me singing also.

Singing had started to overshadow my piano, with my performance at other recitals at the Goethe and the NCH. How I enjoy singing, and I was torn for a while last year, trying to work out which one I prefered. But no matter how much an audience will always like a singer better, I have decided Piano will always be my one true love. I worked in the Gaeity last year, seeing what it would be like to be a musical actor, and indeed, how fun it looks! But I think i've decided, for now, I'd like to strive to become a composer. Of Films or videogames. And what a striving it will be! So much theory! So much technicality! So much Scales! nevertheless, I'm going to try hard. Thanks to my piano teacher, and my love for all things piano, I have come across a love most special in classical music. How much classical tracks I own! From there I rekindled my love for videogame music upon hearing it after the newest Legand of Zelda game came out on the Wii: Twilight Princess. With the help of the internet I have managed to get my hands on numerous Nintendo videogame music soundtracks, which are..lovely. How underestimated the genre is..though I strive to prove otherwise! My music tastes are so so varied, and I will continue to vary it, so that I get the most inspiration possible, and how I love hearing diverse tunes from different countrys anyway.
On wards we strive!
To this world that I have managed to get a part of.
To the future I wish to build upon it
And to the shining star of music in the vast dark sky of life.